
“Alibaba Cloud to Exhibit at Cutting-Edge Tech and Entertainment Festival, XANA SUMMIT 2024!”

XANA, an AI x Web3.0 metaverse (CEO: XANARIO), has announced that Alibaba Cloud Japan Service Co., Ltd. will be exhibiting at the next-generation festival, “XANA SUMMIT 2024,” where cutting-edge projects, companies, DAOs, celebrities, artists, creators, and communities will gather in the metaverse for two weeks.

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Comment from Alibaba Cloud Japan Service

Alibaba Cloud provides a secure and user-friendly platform for Web 3.0 developers.

At XANA SUMMIT, we aim to introduce more people to our products and cloud solutions.

About Alibaba Cloud Japan Service Co., Ltd.

Established in 2009, Alibaba Cloud (www.alibabacloud.com) is the digital technology and intelligence backbone of Alibaba Group. Alibaba Cloud offers a comprehensive suite of cloud services to customers worldwide, including elastic computing, databases, storage, network virtualization, large-scale computing, security, management and application services, big data analytics, machine learning platforms, and IoT services.

According to IDC, Alibaba Cloud has been recognized as the world’s third-largest Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provider since 2018. Gartner also ranks Alibaba Cloud as the third-largest IaaS provider globally and the number one in the Asia Pacific region by revenue since 2018. Since its inception, Alibaba Cloud has been dedicated to the gaming industry, providing specialized solutions and supporting the infrastructure of global titles in Japan and around the world.

Official X: https://x.com/AlibabaCloud_jp

XANA SUMMIT 2024 Event Overview

Official Websitehttps://xana.net/XANASUMMIT
VenueXANA Metaverse
DatesScheduled for mid-September 2024

We will be announcing participating projects, companies, celebrities, creators, and communities through our media and SNS.

Official SNS:
XANA Official Website: https://xana.net/jp/
X (Global): https://x.com/XANAMetaverse
X (Japanese): https://x.com/XANAMetaversejp
X (XANARIO): https://x.com/XANARIO_jp

XANA SUMMIT 2024 is an event aimed at conveying the cutting-edge technologies that shape our future, such as Web3.0, AI, the metaverse, and space, to a wider audience through entertainment. Leading DAOs and companies from various fields will co-create unique pavilions in the metaverse, centered around the digital native generation.

Additionally, the event will feature a festival venue providing unprecedented experiences, filled with top-notch entertainment elements, attracting tens of thousands of participants.

The event will include various activities such as virtual booth exhibitions, talk sessions, panel discussions, presentations, and festivals in the metaverse.

Global speakers will share the latest knowledge and topics, and there will be performances and shows by artists, as well as participation from many exhibitors.

Interactive experiences in the metaverse will be provided through booths where companies and creators can showcase their latest products and services.

There will also be matchmaking areas for participants to connect with each other and with exhibitors, as well as dedicated spaces for direct business negotiations, creating new business opportunities and networking possibilities.

Various participation methods will be available to ensure that people from all walks of life can have the best experience, creating a festival that offers unique and memorable experiences for each participant.

XANA SUMMIT 2024 – Call for Exhibitors and Speakers

XANA SUMMIT is currently seeking “exhibitors,” “speakers,” and “pre-registrations.”

We are looking for companies interested in exhibiting in the metaverse venue.
If you are interested, please contact us using the form below:
Exhibitor Application Form: https://forms.gle/JW2RScwHcSijScLc7

We are also seeking speakers for the event.
If you are interested in speaking, please apply using the form below:
Speaker Application Form: https://t.co/UyIC8ZBAj9

If you are considering participating in the event, please pre-register.
If you are interested in attending, please apply using the form below:

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