Let’s use the Warp function to teleport between objects.
What is the Warp function?
The Warp function allows instantaneous movement between Object A and Object B by setting up the Warp feature between them.
To shuttle between objects A and B
Setting up bidirectional warping allows you to travel back and forth between Object A and B, enabling movement between these two points.
Only moving from Object A to Object B
Setting up the warp to be unidirectional prevents bidirectional movement, allowing warping only from Object A to Object B.
Setting up Warp:
Setting Warp Point (Starting Point)
1. Select the object, then click on the location marked with a red circle. This will display a list of components.
2. Click on “Warp.”

3. The settings screen for “Warp” will be displayed.

4. Check “Start Portal.”

5. Create a Key to recognize the pair of warp points.

6. Name the new Key and add it (register).

7. After adding the Key, the new Key will be registered in this dropdown menu.

8. Select the registered Key.

9. Confirm that the value of the Key has changed. This completes the setting of the starting point.

Setting up Warp Point (Ending Point)
1. Select the object, then click on the location marked with a red circle. This will display a list of components.
2. Click on “Warp.”

3. The settings screen for “Warp” will be displayed.

4. Select “End Portal.”

5. Choose the Key number of Object A, which is the origin of the warp.

6. Finally, set whether the portal allows round-trip travel.
Setting for moving back and forth between Object A and B
If you want to warp back and forth between Object A and B, you should turn on “Can Warp back and forth” under the Key option.

If you want to set up movement only from Object A to B:
If you want to move only from Object A to B, turn off “Can Warp back and forth” under the Key option.