NFTDUEL cards can only be used when they are locked. Locking of cards is done on XANA NFT.
Locking and unlocking require two-factor authentication, so registration with a two-factor authentication app like Google Authenticator is necessary.
Only cards that have been locked for more than 14 days (per card type) from the last lock date can be unlocked.
Activating Two-Factor Authentication
※This step is only performed once at the beginning. If you have already registered for two-factor authentication, skip this step and start from the next one.
- Connect your wallet to XANA NFT, go to the left side menu “My Profile,” or click the account icon at the top right → click the “Profile” button.

2. In the “My Profile” tab, click the “Enable” button in the two-factor authentication settings section.

3. Follow the on-screen instructions to activate two-factor authentication. This completes the activation process for two-factor authentication.

Locking NFTDUEL Cards
- Connect your wallet to XANA NFT, go to the left side menu “My Profile,” or click the account icon at the top right → click the “Profile” button.

2. Click the “Owned” tab to display a list of NFT collections you own, then click the NFTDUEL card collection you want to lock.

3. A list of NFTDUEL cards you own will appear in the “Owned” tab.
Click the “Lock NFT” button. *Underneath the card image, the number of “Owned,” “Lock status,” and “Listed” cards will be displayed.

4. Checkboxes will appear in the top left corner of the lockable NFTs.
Check the NFTs you want to lock and click the “Confirm” button.
(You can lock up to 5 types of NFTs at once.)

5. Enter the number you want to lock in the “Lock number” field on the “Lock NFT” screen and click the “Confirm” button.

6. Enter the 6-digit number displayed in the two-factor authentication app into the “Enter OTP code” screen and click the “Confirm” button.

7. MetaMask will display an estimate of the gas fee. Click “Confirm” if everything is correct.

8. Wait until the “Transaction Processing” screen disappears.

9. After the transaction, wait a while (usually within 1 minute, up to 24 hours) and refresh the screen to see the lock reflected.
*”(Locked)” will be added to the beginning of the name (if even one card is locked, “(Locked)” is added), and the number will be displayed in the “Lock status” field.
This concludes the NFTDUEL card locking procedure.

Unlocking NFTDUEL Cards
- Display the “Owned” tab of the card collection you want to unlock, following the same steps as the locking procedure.

2. Click the “Unlock NFT” button.

3. Checkboxes will appear in the top left corner of the locked NFTs.
Check the cards you want to unlock. (You can unlock up to 5 types of NFTs at the same time.) You cannot check cards that have not passed 14 days since the last lock date.
If so, a message “Unlockable after 14 days from the last lock date” will be displayed.
After checking the cards you want to unlock, click the “Confirm” button at the top right.

4. Enter the number you want to unlock in the “Unlock number” field on the “Unlock NFT” screen and click the “Confirm” button.

5. If not set to XANAChain, a “Switch Network” screen will appear, please select “XANAChain.”

6. Enter the 6-digit number displayed in the two-factor authentication app into the “Enter OTP code” screen and click the “Confirm” button.

7. MetaMask will display an estimate of the gas fee. Click “Confirm” if everything is correct.

8. Once the “Transaction Processing” screen disappears, the unlocking process is complete.
Refresh XANA NFT after a while to see the changes reflected in the lock status numbers (usually within 1 minute, up to 24 hours).