
Turn Off Light in Virtual Environments: Creating Dynamic Lighting Effects

Let’s try using the ‘Turn off Light’ feature to darken the space.

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Darkening and brightening of the space

When you touch the object with the ‘Turn off Light’ feature enabled, you can darken or brighten the space using the following two methods:

If you want to darken for a specified duration

You can darken the space for a specified duration only. (Example: Set for 2 seconds)

If you’re using the object as a switch

You can assign the role of a darkening/brightening switch to the object.

How to set up Turn Off Light

If you want to darken for a specified duration

1. Select the object, then click on the location marked with a red circle. This will display the list of components.

2. Click on ‘Turn Off Light’.

3. The details of ‘Turn Off Light’ will be displayed.

4. Set the ‘Timer Function’ to ‘On’ and adjust the time using the slider for ‘Time’.

5. That’s all for the setup.

If you’re using the object as a switch

1. Select the object, then click on the location marked with a red circle. This will display the list of components.

2. Click on ‘Turn Off Light’.

3. The details of ‘Turn Off Light’ will be displayed.

4. Set the ‘Timer Function’ to ‘Off’.

5. That’s all for the setup.

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