
Weekly Development Update | 24 August – 30 August

Weekly Development Update

This week’s update provides a comprehensive overview of the development progress across the XANA ecosystem. Here’s a detailed look at the improvements, bug fixes, and new features across our platforms:

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Key Highlights

  • Crash Optimization and Bug Fixes: Significant progress was made in reducing crash rates and addressing feedback from the Summit testing phase. The team continues to optimize crashes.
  • Voice Chat Upgrades: The team upgraded the voice chat package to address issues where voice chat wasn’t working on some devices.
  • New Features and Improvements: Teleport functionality for users entering domes now includes a list of world icons to navigate between worlds. Several UI-related updates, including jump animation and dash button improvements, are also underway.

XANA Builder

Key Highlights

  • Generic Pop-up Implementation: The team worked on removing old toaster messages and replacing them with a new, more standardized generic pop-up system throughout the builder.
  • DAO Integration and Syncing: Efforts were focused on syncing updates from DAO worlds, fixing related issues, and ensuring seamless integration of user-generated content.
  • Asset Standardization: Planning to standardize assets after the Summit, allowing users to design more effectively with consistent asset quality.

XANA Browser

Key Highlights

  • Summit Development Sync: Focused on importing and integrating all new Summit development work from the XANA App. The goal is to keep the browser development in sync with the app to ensure a unified user experience.
  • Bug Fixes and Feature Testing: Primary focus on bug fixing and testing imported features.
  • Web3 Login Flow and Cache Clearing: The sign-up and login flow has been updated to Web3 Auth. Cache clearing functionality has been tested and implemented across all WebGL modules, ensuring a smoother user experience.


Key Highlights

  • Flow Change and Reconnection Handling: Changes were made to the gameplay flow to ensure that players who drop out during the connecting screen are counted as having lost. This update has been sent for testing.
  • Code Optimization and Cheating Prevention: Worked on code refactoring and handling instances of cheating, ensuring a fair gaming experience. Work continues on enhancing reconnection logic.


Key Highlights

  • Discord Role Grant Mod Fix: The issue with the Discord Role Grant Mod was resolved and deployed live.
  • Staking Cycle 45 Rewards: Completed and deployed the staking rewards distribution for cycle 45.
  • Upcoming Hotfixes and UI/UX Improvements: Preparing to address hotfixes and UI/UX issues.


Key Highlights

  • Hotfixes and New Features: Will be addressing hotfixes and implementing new features soon.
  • Astroboy X Japan (Ehime) Sale: Planning is underway for the Astroboy x Japan (Ehime) sale events scheduled for mid-September.


These updates reflect our ongoing commitment to improving the XANA ecosystem. We continue to focus on bug fixes, performance optimization, and user-centered features to provide a seamless and engaging experience. Stay tuned for more updates in the coming weeks, and thank you for being a part of our journey!

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