XANA, in a groundbreaking collaboration with Meishun Yuanjie Co., affiliated with China’s prestigious Central Academy of Fine Arts International College (CAFAIC), is set to establish the “Metaverse Application Scene Experimental Base.”
Table of contents
Strategic Collaboration in the Metaverse
The Union of Art and Technology
- Collaboration Entities: XANA and Meishun Yuanjie Co., a leading art school entity in China.
- Objective: To create an innovative experimental base for metaverse applications.
Metaverse Application Scene Experimental Base: Key Focus Areas
- Integration of Various Fields: Merging content creation, technological advancements, and scene operation for comprehensive metaverse experiments.
- Broad Applications: Exploring metaverse solutions in cultural tourism, exhibition and performance, training and education, and business creativity.
Meishun Yuanjie Co.’s Role and Vision
Institutional Support and Expertise
- Industrial Platform: Operating under CAFA Asset Management Co., Meishun Yuanjie Co. brings substantial expertise in the field.
- Guided by National Policies: Aligning with China’s digital economy development and cultural digitalization strategies, the project aims to integrate virtual reality with various industrial applications.
Leveraging Academic Exchange and Innovation
- Global Academic Outreach: Utilizing CAFAIC’s global academic exchange networks for a broader perspective.
- Innovation and Forward-Thinking: Emphasizing industrial innovation and forward-looking approaches to drive the application of the metaverse.
Join the Metaverse Revolution!
Embark on a journey with XANA and Meishun Yuanjie as they pioneer the “Metaverse Application Scene Experimental Base.” Stay tuned to witness how this collaboration transforms the realms of art, education, and technology, merging them into a cohesive and innovative metaverse experience. Be a part of this cutting-edge initiative and explore the endless possibilities of the digital future!