
The Largest NFT Art Awards 2021 Ceremony Held at XANA Metaverse

Experience the fusion of art and technology at XANALIA NFTART AWARDS 2021, hosted in the vibrant virtual world of XANA.

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A Digital Stage for Creative Talent

  1. Innovative Award Ceremony in XANA

    • NOBORDER.z FZE’s CEO, RIO TAKESHI KUBO, pioneers a digital art celebration in XANA.
    • Collaboration with Pony Canyon Planning Inc. and Fujiland Inc.
    • A 3D virtual ceremony in XANA for the top three winners of XANALIA NFTART AWARDS 2021.
  2. XANA: A Hub for Digital Creativity

    • Recognized globally as a next-generation infrastructure.
    • Enables users to develop games and businesses seamlessly in the Metaverse.
    • The award ceremony showcased in real-time within the XANA Metaverse.

XANALIA NFTART AWARDS 2021: A Milestone Event

  • Art Meets Technology:
  • Bridging the gap between traditional artistry and digital innovation.
  • Global Platform:
  • Offering artists a unique opportunity to showcase their work on an international stage.
  • Future of Artistic Expression:
  • Paving the way for more digital art events in virtual worlds.

A Celebration of Digital Artistry

Discover the realm where creativity and technology converge in the XANALIA NFTART AWARDS 2021, held in the innovative XANA Metaverse.

Global Participation and Recognition

  1. Impressive Global Entries
    • Launched on September 1, 2020.
    • 1,248 entries received globally, with 479 nominated works.
    • 50 selected works showcased in the “Meta Gallery.”
  2. Prestigious Awards and Ceremony
    • Total prize money of $18,000 awarded to the top three winners.
    • Winners participated in a virtual ceremony as 3D avatars.
    • A special highlight was a winner from India joining the virtual event.
  3. Auction Success and Ongoing Exhibition
    • Gold Award-winning piece sold for $11,700 on XANALIA NFT marketplace.
    • The auction has concluded, but the artworks remain available for viewing in the “Metagallery.”

XANALIA NFTART AWARDS 2021: Showcasing Creativity in Virtual Space

  • Bridging Worlds:
  • Merging the realms of digital and traditional art forms.
  • Global Art Community:
  • Providing artists with a platform for international exposure.
  • Innovative Presentation:
  • Utilizing the XANA Metaverse for a unique award ceremony experience.
  • Awards Ceremony

About the award-winning works

  • Gold Award:「カワウ型飛行都市 Great cormorant flying city」YUYA

  • Silver Award :「Zeus」Obliraj Krishnaraj

  • Bronze Award:「Square human alpha Rainbow」WINGLAY

Regarding Meta gallery

The Meta Gallery is the XANA Metaverses flagship exhibition for NFT Art. The Meta Gallery is also one of the very first virtual exhibitions ever made for  NFT Art within the Metaverse. The meta gallery has some unique features that are only possible for NFT displays in the Metaverse, and these features are not possible for any physical art exhibition. When you look at the animated works up close, you can also see the dynamic movements.

The Meta gallery has a total of 50 NFT works on display in the venue at any given time, but more NFTs can be and will be put up on display in the future. Once NFTs are sold and as more unique as well as artistic NFTs are created the Meta gallery will be updated to represent the latest/best NFTs available on the XANA Metaverse. There are many vividly colored works, many of which are a delight to the viewer lined up in the exhibition hall.

Visit the XANALIA NFTART AWARDS 2021 Event Page

Step into the world of digital art and experience the extraordinary talent showcased in the XANALIA NFTART AWARDS 2021.

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