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B区 于清看着面前的荒漠,问坤:“这怎么一个人都没有?” 坤解释:“笑话,这种地方能活人?” 于清反问坤:“那我们怎么找羊皮?” 坤:“不知道。” 于清拉起坤就要离开,坤问:“那羊皮怎么办?” 于清头也不回的说:“叫你的那个厉把风派来找,她是AI,她能活。” ... -
Reborn As A XANA Master
The newly established underground labyrinth of Oburo is set on an uninhabited island just visible from the beach. The island itself is a newly created world. I stopped by the coastal shop to purchase the necessary equipment. With the JXB... -
Where We Belong
Sophia: Today's business, all clear. Consciousness shifts to XANA. Enter the box and put on the device. I put my heavy body in the box and quickly attach the equipment. Working hours are shorter if you do what you do. It's the only thing... -
Reborn As A XANA Master
"Penchotan, why are you on your head?" "Huh? Riamun-chan, you wouldn't be alive if you didn't have a head――!" "Because you've put your head on XANA." "that's why--" The Guild Union's online seminar meeting started with such a usual conve... -
于清说完就离开了,等厉把风的羊皮搞到手,就可以离开了,在A区山上寻找着一种冰晶,顺便拉上了坤。 坤一边埋怨,一边积极干活:“这都什么事?我又不是你奴隶,你要这么对我?” 于清:”帮我看着点,要是有白虎就完了,它最爱用冰晶避暑了。” 坤:“好,知道... -
Reborn As A XANA Master
Mr. Yakisugi provided me with a backpack strap that I could carry on my back. It looks more like a backpack than a string. It is nice to have both hands free. Yakisugi-san and Liv-san came to the entrance to see me off, saying, "I'll tak... -
Where We Belong
Sophia: Work mode activated. Manager No.3709, consciousness shifts to the physical body from 10:00 am, XANA common time. Please wait in a safe place. 5 minutes left to move. I checked the room lock and sat down on a chair. Sophia continu... -
于清直接去了一开始绑架自己的仓库,打开门,里面有好多可以利用的东西,于清开始收拾起来,把仓库的废旧电脑重新组装。 等坤回来时,于清已经组装好了,正在椅子上喝茶看着电脑上在现实世界无法运行的程序在不断运行。 “哥,我拿回来了。”坤将一张羊皮递...