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Reborn As A XANA Master
「Oh, Mr. Yoitaro, are you all right?」 When I entered the guild conference room, I was greeted by three companions. There was Gisho-san of Gilmouth sitting on a chair and Tic-Tac, who runs a free school in the XANA Metaverse. And it was... -
于清游荡在F区,突然一个男子冲上前撞倒了于清,于清倒地,那男子很快就逃走了,留下一页纸,于清认真的看着纸上的程序设计图,发现这是一个现实世界完全没办法实现的程序。 于清觉得越来越有趣了,开始研究起来。 几天后,于清带着自己研究出来的程序,回... -
Reborn As A XANA Master
《オブロ開発会社の第二研究棟》 マイク付きの片耳ヘッドセットを装着したユニオンAR部隊は、オブロ開発会社の第二研究棟に向かった。 塀越しに中を覗く。 塀といっても簡素な塀で、建物を囲んでいるだけのものだった。 門もなく、その気になれば誰でも... -
Reborn As A XANA Master
《Guild Union Headquarters》 Botamochi-san respawned in the guild headquarters lounge. "I'm glad... I'm alive. You guys..." "Yes, Captain." AI secretary Yuna Ellis Julietta and others answered at the same time. "I can't help but be happy... -
Reborn As A XANA Master
I turned to the direction of the voice. My hand, or rather my avatar's hand, but I met the eyes of the uncle who was sewn there. Liam Avatar is a very popular avatar known to those in the know within the XANA Metaverse. The main body is ... -
The Beginning
「──Sorry!」 「What?」 Arisa took an unexpected action against Shingo who thrusts one hand at him. Suddenly, he bowed his head. The atmosphere seemed different from before, and I could only be puzzled. 「I would never kill you. Instead, ... -
Reborn As A XANA Master
Mami cried out louder than usual. I put my feet on the road and apply the brakes. You can't stop suddenly. 「Stop, stop, stop--!」 「Wait, don't panic, we'll stop now, what's wrong?」 「Something is coming...」 Before Mami had finished s... -
My Metaverse
「Hey, what about heaven...」 Standing in front of the mirror, I looked at myself. 《I think it's nice》 Heaven says so, but I don't have blonde hair or big sparkling eyes. I don't even own a blue jacket. There's just me, black hair, ugl...