
“Guide to Submitting XANA Penpenz Form”

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Initial Requirements

Essential Preparations for Submission

  • Gas Fee Requirement: Approximately 5 XETA (XANAChain) needed.
  • Bridging XETA: If XETA is in Avalanche Chain, bridge to XANAChain. A minimum of 100 XETA is needed, plus a small amount of AVAX on the Avalanche Chain.

Steps to Prepare for Submission

Pre-Submission Checklist

Step 1: Go to the XANA Pepenz Form and connect your wallet.

1. Click on the Connect Wallet icon in the top right corner or Connect Wallet button at the bottom of the form.

2. Select the MetaMask (Connect to your MetaMask Wallet). (Make sure in the metamask it is connected with the XANAChain)

3. Click on the Sign button.

4. If the wallet address/name gets displayed instead of the wallet icon, the Connection is established successfully. And the “Wallet Connect” button is turned into “Next.”

Submitting the Form

Detailed Submission Process

Step 2: Add details in Form:

1. “Add” Twitter Account then Add button turned into “Verify”.

2. Verify Twitter Account: Click on the “Verify” button then it will redirect on the twitter authentication page.

3. Click on the “Authorize App” button.

4. Success Popup displayed after Authorising the twitter account. Click on the “Go Back to Home Page”.

5. Now, the Verify button has turned into “Verified”.

6. “Add” Discord Account then Add button turned into “Verify”.

7. Verify Discord Account: Click on the “Verify” button then it will redirect on the discord authentication page.

8. Click on the “Authorise” button.

9. Success Popup displayed after Authorising the discord account. Click on the “Go Back to Home Page”.

10. Now, the Verify button has turned into “Verified”.

11. Enter the “Main Wallet Address” from which the user wants to submit a form.
(Note: Entered main wallet address and connected address should be the same.)
12. Click on the “Next” button.

13. Enter the “Email Address” in the Email field.

14. Add Sub-Address (Sub Wallet address is optional). Subaddresses can be more than one.
(Note: to verify sub address it must be connected with the form)

15. Sign the Signature request from meta mask to add a subaddress.

16. Users can remove the added sub address by clicking the “Remove” button.

17. Click on the “Submit” button.

18. Click on the “Confirm” button from metamask.

19. Form has been submitted.

Updating Registration Details

Process to Modify Submitted Information

1. Connect with the address from which the user has already submitted the form. Here the user will get its previously filled data.

2. Click on the change button for the specific field the user wants to change

3. When the user clicks on the change button field gets enabled, and the user has to add new Twitter/discord and then needs to click on the add button

4. Once a new Twitter/discord is added, the user has to verify that by clicking on the verify button.
5. For E-mail, click on the submit button, and it will be updated.

6. To add a new sub-address click on the “Add” button.

7. Enter the address in the field and click on Add button.

8. After adding, click on the verify button and accept the signature request from meta mask

9. User can remove the sub-address by clicking on the remove button

10. Confirm from the popup, and your address gets removed

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